
Cynthia Verri, nata a Urbino, da una famiglia di artisti Italo Americani, vissuta a Chicago dove ha frequentato la Bowen High School e l’Art Institute of Chicago per poi tornare in Italia e studiare all’ Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia.
A Padova ha conosciuto Bruno, l’uomo con cui passerà il resto della sua vita in giro per il mondo tra Stati Uniti, Medio Oriente e Nord Africa.
Rientrati In Italia si stabilirà inizialmente a Padova per poi trasferirsi a Venezia dove aprirà un boutique denominato “Art to Wear”.
Dopo altri 10 anni passati a New York, tornerà in Italia dove vive tutt’ora tra Abruzzo Puglia e Portogallo dove ha ripreso a dialogare con i pennelli, colori e cavalletto.


Biographical not

Cynthia Verri was born in Urbino to a family of Italian-American artists. She lived between Chicago where she attended Bowen High School and the Art Institute of Chicago for 5 years, before returning to in Italy to study at Venice’s Accademia di Belle Arti.
In Padova she met Bruno, the man she would spend the rest of her life with living in various places around the world between USA, Middle East and North Africa.
Returning to Italy she initally settled back in Padova and transferred over to Venice where created a boutique called “Art to Wear”.
She then moved to New York for 10 years before returning yet again to Italy. She now lives between Italy (Abruzzo and Puglia) and Portugal, where she has begun a new conversation with brushes, colors, and her easel.